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Aesop’s fable of the runaway slave and the lion with a thorn in its paw. A story of gratitude.
Aesop’s fables are loved pretty much everywhere. In these four adaptations by Storynory a rat, grasshopper, a fox and a mouse tell their tales in their own words.
The hare from the famous tale by Aesop tells his version of the race with the tortoise – just in case you thought that he really was slower than his rival. The real winner is the cunning fox.
Aesop’s tale that shows that although it’s tempting to envy another person’s life, their life is rarely as great as it seems from a distance.
Aesop’s famous warning about a prank that went too far
Two Aesop fables in one about a lioness – first her encounter with a mosquito, and then with a mouse. Plenty of wisdom to be had from these tales all round.
The Sun looks down on the earth and sees all the human folly. He tells three tales or “fables”: The Milkmaid, Juno and the Peacock, and The Sun and the North Wind.
A rat meets and Indian elephant and thinks she is far prettier
A grasshopper loves to play music while the ants work, work, work
A tale by Aesop with a story, a poem, and a song. The moral is “Look before you leap!”