How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day From every opening flower! Bees against idleness and mischief. A moral poem for children read aloud.
A surprising pie
London Bridge is Broken Down
A funny counting song.
The Father Anansi stories come from West Africa and this is a nice introduction to them. Hear about a shape-shifting tricky spider.
A rat meets and Indian elephant and thinks she is far prettier
Did you know that foxes love cheese? If you didn’t, you should hear this short story with a moral by Aesop about a cunning fox who flatters and tricks a vain crow.
A grasshopper loves to play music while the ants work, work, work
Once, there lived a sweet tempered girl whose name was Cinderella. Unfortunately, her mother died young, and her father married again. His second wife had a sharp temper and her two daughters were just like her. In a word – horrid.
Do appearances matter? Or is the heart within the most important of all qualities? The classic tale.