The final part of Emelye’s tale. Is there any room for true love – or for chivalry – in the knight’s bitter rivalry over the princess Emelye. And will she have any say in the matter of who marries her?
Princess Emelye does not yet realise that she is the cause of a hugh falling out between two imprisoned knights. She has never met either of them, and both have fallen madly in love with her.
Dorothy and her friends confront some terrible beasts called the Kalidahs.
The Knight’s Tale by Chaucer is retold from the point of view of Princess Emelye – so we have called this story Emelye’s tale. Chivalry, Romance, Adventure and perhaps a tiny touch of feminism.
Rub a Dub Dub, Hickory Dickory Dock, This Little Piggy Went to Market, Little Jack Horner, Here we go round the Mulberry Bush, Ring a Ring a Roses, Oranges and Lemons say the bells of St. Clement’s
A fast paced and amusing story – but do be warned – some animals with cute names do get eaten by Foxy-Woxy. Look out for Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, Goosey- Loosey and Turkey-lurkey
A Sherlock Holmes mystery in which the great detective investigates why an apparent lunatic is going around breaking up statues of Napoleon.
Some traditional nursery rhymes packed with irresistible fun and charm.
The final episode in our story about Princess Talia. Talia, Sally and Basil have travelled through time – but after so many adventures, how will they return to the “real” world ?
Katie’s mum always wanted to open a magic shop. When she achieved her ambition, other shop keepers started to spread nasty rumours about her being a bad witch…..