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A new book by Bertie and his friend David Edmonds! If super-high-tech android Dotty can spend a year passing as a twelve-year-old schoolgirl, she could win a multi-million-pound prize. It’s available now on amazon.co.uk! David and Bertie explain what it’s all about.
Herodotus tells us that ancient Egyptians worshiped cows and bulls. How and why did they do that? Bertie investigates…
Fall asleep to a soothing lullaby sung by Jana
Gilgamesh has travelled across the world in search of immortality. Finally he picks a plant from the bottom of the ocean that gives everlasting youth – but a thief is not far away.
A delightful poem to celebrate the start of May written by the Canadian poet, Bliss Carman, and read by Jana in honour of her Mother whose birthday is on May 1st.
Was Uncle Jeff ever a spy? The kids and Mum have their suspicions. In this second part of our spy story, Uncle Jeff reveals the truth about his trip to Moscow in his youth.
Suspense and intrigue with Storynory’s Wicked Uncle Jeff. The family are convinced that he is secretly a spy. The first of two parts… the second coming very soon !
Don’t Worry Little Crab by Chris Haughton. Little Crab and Very Big Crab live in a tiny rock pool near the sea. Today they’re going for a dip in the big ocean. A Storynory Picture Book Recommendation Sponsored by Candlewick Press
When Theo the monkey tastes chocolate for the first time, he goes crazy for it. He breaks out of the zoo and goes on smash and grab raids across the town. Will there be any chocolate left for Easter? We’ve remixed this classic Storynory with new music and Sound FX
Jana sings a beguiling and rather different version of the famous french song. You haven’t heard it quite like this before!