Do you like mysteries? Do you think unicorns are super-cute? Yes? Well, you are going to love this story in which Katie and Isis turn detectives when a very rare animal is stolen.
The butler of Baskerville Hall, Barrymore, is behaving extremely suspiciously. Dr. Watson continues his report to Sherlock Holmes. Listen to the audio story beautifully read by Richard Scott.
iPads and Mobile phones – they are necessary for life – how can anybody survive without being connected to the internet 24 hours a day. And yet Bertie and Beatrice visit a land where technology is banned. How do they get on.
Here’s the song that Gladys wrote about her first brush with fame.
Gladys has reached California and the final chapter in this series about the girl who wants to make it big as a pop star.
Gladys goes out to dinner with a famous film star, but she is determined that she is going to remain “Miss Sensible”.
Solomon the cat steps forward to take the lead role in this episode of our Katie series. It’s meant to be a secret that he can talk, and so when he goes to stay with Isis’s family he is under strict instructions to say no more than meow.
This song by Gladys is the title track to her new album, which is available in Spotify and iTunes.
Gladys writes her song “In Real Life” about her meeting with the film star, Darren Wolf. When she plays it live for the first time, someone special comes to hear it.
Dr Watson writes to Sherlock Holmes with his impressions of the various characters in and around Baskerville Hall.