Sally is thrilled to meet some famous people and Basil is increasingly alarmed about having to fight a duel.
Basil and Sally wake up in far away place where a miller takes them to a medieval tournament.
By Samuel Taylor Coleridge An old Sailor tells the tale of a terrible journey at sea – how he shot a sacred bird the Albatross, and found himself in charge of a ghastly ghost crew.
Episode 15 in our Waking Beauty series. The city of Oxford has fallen asleep apart from a handful of people. Amid the fog Basil meets Talia’s fairy godmother who explains a great deal to him.
Prince Bertie goes to Siberia in search of a family heirloom, a Faberge egg. On the Trains Siberian Train he meets a mysterious Mongolian Princess.
Princess Talia’s friend Basil finds that some strange and eery things are going on in the City of Oxford
Kipling’s Tale from when the world was very new tells how the Camel turned his “humph” into a “hump”.
Will our Awaking Beauty princess Talia leave Westerly College for good? Episode 13 in our series.
This traditional story from Japan is about the time a Samurai warrior challenged a tea master to a duel. It shows how if you are the master of yourself, you can be the master of anything.
Our Awaking Beauty series has reached episode 12 and Princess Talia is brought before the College Authorities.