Mum and Dad are going away for a romantic weekend, and “Wicked” Uncle Jeff is left in charge of the children. A misadventure follows.
A story from Japan about a Monkey who has served his master by dancing all his life. Now he is old, his master wants to get rid of him. The monkey consults a wise wild boar about what to do.
Girl Band, the chiX have a new manager who fixes up a big concert for them. The chiX start to find out that it’s a tough road to the top.
The journey of a tiny, tiny little girl, and how she lives among the birds and animals until finally she finds her heart’s true match.
A Japanese warrior is enlisted by the Dragon King of the Lake to save his family from a giant centipede. The story tells how the warrior got his strange name, My Lord Bag of Rice.
A wolf is so hungry that he decides to eat a fox. But the wily and very feminine fox has other ideas. A story from Spain.
Gladys works hard behind the scenes to help the chiX – and she is always ready with good advice – but quite often people hardly seem to notice her. She starts to feel like a ghost girl.
A chocolaty mystery story for Easter. The police investigate the kidnapping of a very important missing person.
Two poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson that are full of wonderful sounds that will remind you of the ocean.
This story from the 1001 nights tells of hidden treasure and magical powers. It will remind you a little of Aladdin, but it’s more serious. The Blind Beggar of Baghdad is a warning about how greed can drive you mad.