An amusing tale about a boy whose parents called him “Dummy” – but he can’t have been that much of a dummy because he found a golden goose and made the grandest people of the town look like fools.
Beauty and Beast by Charles Perrault is one of the great romantic tales of all time. With exotic music and sound effects.
Lazy Jack goes out to work, but he’s not used to earning a living, and he gets into all sorts of muddles. An amusing fireside tale from the North of England.
The story of how George saved a town and a princess from a fearful dragon. He is associated with courage and chivalry and several countries have chosen him as their patron saint.
Odysseus returns home 20 years after leaving for Troy. He arrives on his rocky island kingdom of Ithaca disguised as a beggar and finds that his palace is full of suitors wooing his wife, the faithful Queen Penelope.
This tale from India is about a good-hearted Brahman – or holy man – who is helps a tiger out of a trap.
This is the classic story of somebody who is a bit different – by Hans Christian-Andersen.
The strange story of a nose that ran away from its owner, a little girl called Isis. Soon the nose was making havoc all over her school. Only Katie the witch knew the full truth…
St. Patrick is famous for banishing the snakes from Ireland. But there are loads more legends about Ireland’s patron saint who is celebrated with parties and parades on March 17th.
One of those stories that you can hear again and again. The wolf huffs and puffs and the three little pigs exclaim by the hairs of their chiny chin chins and only the best build house won’t fall down.