Save Christopher Robin

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Shocking news. Disney is banishing Christopher Robin from its new series of Pooh. Even the Bear of Little Brain will take second billing in the new series, to be called, "My Friends Tigger and Pooh." Christopher Robin will be replaced by a Tom-Boy girl.

“We got raised eyebrows, even in-house, but the feeling was that these timeless characters really needed a breath of fresh air that only the introduction of someone new could provide,” Nancy Kanter, of the Disney Channel, told USA Today.

So let's save Save Christopher Robin. Use the comment page here to register your support.

Update: Rhianna, a Texan abroad, and a military wife with 3 children has designed the "Save Christopher Robin Banner." Rhianna feels very strongly about Christopher Robin and if you want to get in touch with her, you can do so at - Thank you Rhianna !