Questions for Tick Tock Turkey and the Endless Pudding

audio story with text

This is an extract from our story, Tick Tock Turkey and the Endless Pudding. Tick Tock Turkey is a time-travelling bird who lives on a desert island with his friend, Future Dog. Listen to the extract and then answer the questions.


This story is named after a very special recipe created by an ingenious chef called Blobert. It’s a story from Egg Island, the home of that famous time travelling bird, Tick Tock Turkey. And it’s called The Endless Pudding.

It was a hot afternoon on Egg Island. Future Dog had decided that it was time that Tick Tock Turkey should try to get on better with another of the island’s inhabitants – Blobert. Tick Tock Turkey didn’t know Blobert very well, but he had made it clear that he had a very disapproving view of blobs. Future Dog had brought Blobert down to the beach so that his two best friends could have a chance to get to know each other.

If you want to know what Blobert looks like, imagine a blob: that’s Blobert. Blobs are not easy to see, and Tick Tock Turkey’s main problem with Blobert was all the effort it took to look at him. Before they could be better friends, Tick Tock Turkey would have to learn to look at blobs without going cross-eyed. Blobert, who is a rather talented cook, had prepared a surprise for Tick Tock Turkey, but he wasn’t allowed to have it until he had tried to be friendly. Tick Tock Turkey had been trying to look at Blobert for nearly an hour, without much success.

‘Blobert,’ said Tick Tock Turkey, throwing his wings up in frustration, ‘why do you have to be so weird! Stand still! There you are. No, gone again. It’s giving me a headache.’

‘Sorry,’ said Blobert. ‘I know you’re trying. But I’m not weird, really. In fact I’m quite normal. As blobs go, I’m a very ordinary blob.’

‘Where’s he gone now? Blobert? I can hear you, but you’ve disappeared again.’

Future Dog, who had mastered the art of seeing Blobert, nodded sympathetically: ‘There is a knack to it,’ she said. ‘I’ve spent more time with Blobert than you, Tick Tock Turkey, and with practice I’ve managed to get the hang of it. But it wasn’t easy – I had to make a real effort.’

‘Why bother?’ said Tick Tock Turkey. ‘I’m sorry Blobert, but if you were meant to be seen then it wouldn’t be such hard work, would it? You don’t see anyone struggling to see me, now do you? Everyone always knows where I am.’

‘Yes, they really do,’ sighed Future Dog.

‘I’ve tried to see you Blobert, but it makes my eyes go funny. Can I have my surprise now?’

‘Not yet,’ said Future Dog.

‘I get this a lot, being a blob,’ said Blobert. ‘The secret is not to try too hard. Don’t squint – relax your eyes. The thing is, I tend to be just slightly to the left of where I am.’

Tick Tock Turkey scrunched up his face: ‘Slightly to the left of where you are? That’s stupid!’

‘Yes,’ said Blobert, ‘it sounds silly, but that’s the way it is. I’m always slightly to the left of where I am. It can make me seem fuzzy. It’s a nightmare for photographs. People try their best, but they always end up with a picture of a tree or an empty beach. When you look very closely, there’s a blurry part at the edge of the picture. That’s me. I’ve been lopped off the side. It’s very annoying. Actually, I’ve never seen myself, so even I’m not sure what I look like.’

Tick Tock Turkey flapped his wings again: ‘If you want to know what you look like, then do what everybody else does – use a mirror, you silly blob!’


Why did Tick Tock Turkey find it so difficult to get on with Blobert?

Did Tick Tock Turkey make any progress in getting on better with Blobert?

Was Future Dog selfish or sensible in wanting Tick Tock Turkey and Blobert to get on better with each other?


  1. “‘why do you have to be so weird! Stand still!”
    What does weird mean?
    (a) ordinary (b) different (c) odd (d)wonderful
  2. “I’ve managed to get the hang of it.”
    What is the other meaning of hang ?
    (a) hinge (b) henge (c ) hump (d)uspend
  3. “Slightly to the left of where you are?”
    What is another word for slightly ?
    (a) more (b) a bit (c ) definitely (d)less
  4. “When you look very closely, there’s a blurry part X the edge of the picture.”
    What is the missing word?
    (a) at (b) in (c) from (d) where
  5. “I’ve tried to see you Blobert, but it makes my eyes X funny”
    What is the missing word?
    (a) red (b) looks (c) go (d) lids


Future Dog wanted Tick Tock Turkey and Blobert to get on better. How far do you think other people should intervene in relationships? When is this justified?

Tick Tock Turkey found it hard to Blobert who was very different. Discuss a situation like this that you have come across. Can you think of anything that would have helped?

Future Dog had learnt with practice to see Blobert but Tick Tock Turkey found it difficult. (Discuss the role of aptitude in learning new skills.) Do you think people are better at things because they practise more or because they have more aptitude for them? Give examples from music, sport and school work.