Storynory iPhone App
audio story with textWe've just added our first piece of bonus content - a 15 minute story read by Natasha which you can't hear anywhere else. It's a cute story which we dug out of our secret store of treasures specially for the app. We are going to be adding more bonus content regularly including factual pieces - such as short talks on topics of interest to kids including dragons, dinosaurs, famous children's authors, sport, history.... There will also be some short fables, rhymes, twisters - an eclectic collection of little goodies posted once a week.
If you use our app, you receive our latest story without syncing your iPhone or iPod. Each story comes with a PDF with the full text of the story and a picture which you can download as wallpaper for your device. Just look under extras on individual episodes to find these.
It's early days for our app. Apparently it's selling well in Asia. We've had a couple of harsh reviews in the US page of the app store. One says it doesn't work. Well it does. The other bemoans the lack of bonus content - which is a fairer comment - but it's there now. If you enjoy our app, we would really appreciate it if you say something nice about it in the store to redress these comments. It's quite an effort to produce a free story every week, let alone bonus content. It's all a bit of a labour of love, and we want happy customers. There's no other reason to do Storynory.